Dutch developers talk about life and death alarmingly often... Until you realize they actually mean "live" and "dev".

  • 0
    That's a little offensive I guess, and I am not even dutch.😟
  • 0
    I'm dutch, and I've never had this issue. I guess I'm special...
  • 6
    I'm Dutch and I find this funny. You should hear some of the "English" spoken around here. Have a +1
  • 3
    @muzikworm offensive or not, I actually had a small trouble understanding what was he talking about 🤔😂
  • 1
    @Koenn indeed I heard few Dutchies taking like that, but when they do, it's funny :)
  • 1
    @h3ll lol, everytime i read your rants/comments I fell like it would be fucking awesome to be at a party with you 😂
  • 1
    @h3ll my kind of person :)
  • 0
    Dutchy here,

    Yeah we absolutely cannot speak English with a normal accent 😂

    Of course this doesn't count for every Dutch person but still...

    Also another one for your nostrils @h3ll

    In a restaurant I overheard someone saying to a waiter: "This food is delicious! Can I please see your cock and thank him? "
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