If I had a gun to my head and I had to choose between C#and Java (not like a JVM language like Scala), I think I would go with C# nowadays.
Thoughts while playing around with .Net Core on Linux Mint 17.

  • 3
    Doesn't Java run much faster than C# on a Linux environment?
  • 0
    And i mean in general its way more about efficiency then bias
  • 10
    I would pull the trigger
  • 1
    @jirehstudios The difference between mono and Java was usually fairly small, not sure where .net core stands but for most uses any performance difference is likely to be irrelevant (If it is relevant you would probably use a lower level language anyway).
  • 0
    @kvsm At least C# somehow runs natively. I think.
  • 1
    @jirehstudios shh don't tell them. They are having a lot of fun by bashing Java
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