
Meine erste post in Deutsche als die sprache fur die automatische testen. Ich spreche deutsch nicht gut, daher entschuldigen Sie mich bitte beim allen Deutschen menschen.

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    @C0D4 here's a rant you can test on.
    It also has minor typos, so let's see how it goes. 🙂
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    For everyone else:

    This is a test rant for the translator bot.

    Let it go Elsa 😛
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    Manual test coming in 3...2...1...

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    @C0D4, translated from German.

    My first post in German as the language for automatic testing. I don't speak German well, so please excuse me from all German people.
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    Why are you trying to translate wrong german into english?
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    @Tr33 that's just a test that represents real life
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    @Tr33 define wrong 😛 I'm not proficient in German, but I manage in daily life.
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    @C0D4 good job 👏 👏 👏
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    Random usecase: now even if someone doesn't know English too well, they can communicate because we can translate easily! Fuck yeah!
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    Mein erster Beitrag in Deutsch als Sprache für den automatischen Test. Ich spreche Deutsch nicht gut, daher entschuldigen sie mich bitte bei allen deutschen Leuten.

    Your translation is not too bad. some upper/lower case stuff, and here and there a wrong word. But i guess i can understand it, so it definitely does it's job 👌
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    @thebiochemic well, where I live people speak a half-half mix of German and English. Plus, I haven't managed to make good friends here who are willing to help me out conversationally. So it exactly does the job 😜
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    @NoMad netherlands for the win! never excuse for a faulty third language. you *can* communicate in german, i guess the most of us can't in dutch.
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    una cervésa y dos tequilas, por favor.

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    @Jedidja that's not how it does it. 😛 Currently doesn't work for comments. #sad
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    @erroronline1 I'm not in Holland tho. I'm in northern Germany. 😁
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    @NoMad currently or did i take you for someone else? well i don't speak platt either while you'd possibly still have an advantage
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    Ich freue mich absolut in jeder Hinsicht auf einen langsamen schmerzvollen Tod.
    Abgesehen davon, was zur Schande ist das für einen Übersetzung?!
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    @Ranchonyx yes.

    But don't die tho.
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    "Das ist mein erster Post in deutsch, der als Test für die automatischen Tests gilt. Mein deutsch ist nicht gut, daher entschuldigen Sie mich bitte beim allen deutschen Menschen."

    I tried to keep the structure, but it is still weird :)
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    @Tr33 why are you translating intentionally wrong German claiming it's wrong into better German that's less wrong but more wrong about itself
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    🤔 testing mr translate...
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    @Jedidja, this post has been translated from German

    My first post in German as the language for automatic testing. I don't speak German well, so please excuse me to all German people.
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    @C0D4 why tagging that guy tho?
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    @NoMad he mentioned the bot 🤷‍♂️
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    @C0D4 it's not working... 😛
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    @NoMad, this post has been translated from English

    Translate Bot is currently offline, Notifying @C0D4 of the issue
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    @NoMad, this post has been translated from German

    My first post in German as the language for automatic testing. I don't speak German well, so please excuse me to all German people.
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    @NoMad 😅I turned off the translate api to deal with error handling.

    It's still a manual trigger from me, but not far off now.
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    Well, even my very basic knowledge of German was enough to understand the most parts. Basic as in A1 level basic.
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