Dear recruiters and so called "startups".

If you want to attract me by starting with the phrase: "Mobile lead role in Startup" and you go on like...

"We are a startup with offices in Shanghai, Hongkong, Vancouver, San Francisco, New York,... "


"We are a startup and also the 6th biggest phone network in the world... "

No thanks, enjoy your startup themed cubicles and fuck off!

  • 9
    Had that with an interview last year. Claimed to be a startup, went into their offices to find a private bar, gym, games room, plate glass managers offices... nah mate, cheers, I'm not getting paid shit for trying to work while someone fires a nerf gun at me cause the company thinks it's "fun".
  • 2
    @SirusAmory my first job doing development was in an open office. Terrible for focusing, I brought my headphones along every day just so I could get stuff done. But the job was so easy that I got to learn a while bunch of stuff in my free time. I got paid crap though so I didn't feel that bad about spending a lot of time learning. I was only there a month though before moving onto a real job where I got my own office :P
  • 4
    And i work in a bank. Cubicles *everywhere
  • 1
    @NathanDoesDev I'm in an open office at the moment, but the people I work with are actual decent human beings so it's not so bad. Plus there's only 18 of us haha.
  • 1
    @SirusAmory yeah it wasn't terrible what I was, I liked the space itself a lot, and the people were nice, I would've stayed if they paid me a reasonable wage. They also changed their mind on it being a full-time job so that was obviously a deal breaker :P
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