Am I going to have to dump learning Java with Microsoft's C#/.NET advancement lately?

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    I hope not...
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    Learn both 😁
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    I'm now picking up C# because I want to do some stuff for my computer that no programs exist to do it for me
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    Don't look at them as alternatives. If you exclusively make software for Windows then use C# with .NET as it will give more open access to Windows api. If you want cross platform then use Java
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    If it's about employability, companies already using Java aren't just gonna dump it and switch to something new. Even if they're already using C# I expect it'll be a while before they switch to the newer stuff.
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    Just learn both. If you know one the other is very simple to learn. I myself learned java coming from c#, and really all i had to check were some small differences.
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    My problem isnt the language but de IDE. Im using Jetbrains pruducts for java and node(intellij, webstorm) and I hate VisualStudio. Its slow and wants to do way too much at once to "help" me but it just gets in the way.

    Its hard to learn if your instrument/tool is bad.

    But if you have any recommendation please write it down..
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    John Skeet says learn both to improve your understanding of and go deeper with OOD.

    I usually deal with .NET stack and when I saw some of features available in Java (e.g. when I saw anonymous class implementing an event handler, I was blown away), my way of writing c# code changed in a better way.
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