Energy star ⭐ logo always remind me an old computer (boot logo) back in 90s and of course the games doom and duke nukem 3D ... The first things I saw and played on a computer .

You guys, what do you remember every time you see the logo ?

  • 1
    That's right! The computers on which I was playing Dangerous Dave and Pac Man had this logo displayed during system bootup
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    AoE and HoMM III on a bulky boi monitor 😅
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    Rows and rows of major home appliances for sale.
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    @Jilano checkout outlaws game It might be that
  • 1
    I was wondering where I first saw this logo, then some video made me remember
    It was on the BIOS splash screen of the first computer I ever touched to play some CD-ROM games on
    This old computer is still somewhere, I like to think it's a testimonial of the time you could play things with <512MB of RAM and a CPU clock that didn't even reach a GHz
    You know, something millenials aren't supposed to know ;)
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    @CodeTalker exactly , but when I said doom i meant about 64MB of ram and 16 MB of graphics ~ 1998-1999 😅😅
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    @sadransh Yeah I know DOOM and such could run with really nothing
    The reason I mentioned my low specs was for my 3D CD-ROM games
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    Low res tiddies while duke says “you wanna daaaaance?”
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