
The problem with PHP is not the PHP, the problem is how most PHP devs still live in 2010

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    Do you mean as for security or?
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    @linuxxx yup, or coding standards. Like damn
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    I don't know about that one, chief
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    Yes, but have you met PHP?
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    PHP is like a good music band.

    You love their music but hate their fans.
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    At least they live in a more peaceful and pandemic free time.
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    @linuxxx For starters there isn't that many fresh PHP devs, while the old ones have yet to upgrade their mindset from PHP 5. Security, coding standards, testing, automated code checks, ... are just where their outdated practices become the most apparent.
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    @hitko strict type declarations, generators, null coalescing operator, spaceship operator, expectations, CSPRNG, list <-> object support via ArrayAccess, list key support, Nullable, Iterable, multicatch exceptions, Multibyte enhancements, Typed properties, Arrow Syntax, Numeric literal seperator...

    It's fascinating how some people don't want these features and instead torture themselves.

    A lot of these features solve a lot of actual problems and prevent real bugs.
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    THIS! Very much this.
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    The problem is it was too little too late for the most part. PHP devs that wanted to use modern language features moved away in their droves around a decade ago to node, ruby etc. - and the ones who remained were more than happy just sticking with the crap state the language was in back then.

    What you've got now is a reasonably modern language, but no-one willing to use it. Those (now) Ruby and node guys have no reason to move back, and those PHP devs remaining have no more desire to learn those new language features than they did in 2010.
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    @AlmondSauce That reminds me of this (very good) article: https://eev.ee/blog/2012/...

    "Those who do grow a clue tend to drift away to other platforms, reducing the average competence of the whole. This, right here, is the biggest problem with PHP: it is absolutely the blind leading the blind."
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    @IntrusionCM honestly, thanks for pointing these out. I was aware of some of them, but others not so much. It's a good reminder to actually start making use of these features, so thanks!
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    @mcalis You're welcome ;)
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    @kescherRant Well, being a PHP guy and a cybersecurity person as well...

    What's so bad about it? I honestly don't get it 😅
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