Anyone here know any good communities to join? The only thing that has taught me are error messages and the occasional internet video. I never knew that the word refractor existed until now.

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    @F1973 I don’t even know, just a small community (if it was language specific I would choose C#). I don’t know anybody who likes to do what I do.
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    @F1973 thx
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    @F1973 ok, glad to meet you!
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    We are a mix of devs, programmers, engineers, the odd bald tester and students with experience with many languages and systems.

    Who knows, you might have found what you're looking for.
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    There's also nice (not too high msg intensity) ones on https://gitter.im if you follow a specific library/ framework. I rly like the one for mithril.js, simple component driven frontend lib: https://gitter.im/mithriljs/...
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    Welcome to devRant! You already found one of the best ones 🖖
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    @F1973 🍆☔️
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