Fuck Apple and their shitty macbooks

the MacBook air I bought a year ago as that was the only I could afford at that point is slowly giving up as this piece of shit lacks any sort of cooling. As soon as Xcode starts , temperatures reach 80-90C and don't even get me started on what happens when I provide builds.

Seriously, how do they get away with providing subpar hardware at such high prices. Their after sale services will literally cost me another MacBook. This "ecosystem" is just not worth it.

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    They prefer having 100 C on cpu, rather than making fan noises
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    My new MacBook pro heats up really ugly. It's been <5 days, and I'm already disappointed. Performance is more than good, but the heat! Oh the heat!

    I could have bought 2PCs with similar specs + upgrade to OnePlus 8Pro, all within what this one metal induction cooker cost me.
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    Man, my work macbook fires up its fan for no reason at all. It's obnoxiously loud.
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    Why don't you guys just build a hackintosh? With that money you can buy very very powerful PCs and if you choose parts compatible with hackintoshes (Intel processor, amd GPU is a good combo I think) installing and running macos is a breeze. If you need portability I'm pretty sure there are a few laptops out there that have compatible specs.
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    You got what you paid for.
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    I'm not interested in putting that kind of effort into a work machine, especially since they would never allow it on the company network without building and configuring it themselves.
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    Use a laptop cooling fan. Works wonders to fix their faults
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    If u cant afford better than you should have bought a windows.
    The Mac Air was a terrible purchase for the purpose of programming.
    Honestly you can only blame yourself.
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    @WorstVarNames You mean a PC? Windows is an OS, not hardware ;) (except for those things you can look through)
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    @linuxxx don't be mad, it's only a worst var name
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    @linuxxx you understood what i meant :)
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    @WorstVarNames he also understood you're a pleb
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