
Why are OSS maintainers so fucking incompetent and cocky? A documentation clearly says to use "use_parent_assets: true" when creating a child theme. Yet not a single fucking line of code actually checks that value. The fix is literary a single if(value) assets = deepMerge(parentAssets, assets). But because some contributor somewhere didn't write that line to the maintainer's liking, it's been hanging in the air for months.

Take your head of of your ass, there's thousands of people paying for support & addons for your product, and you can't add one fucking line to fix a rather critical bug.

  • 3
    Confused, who is paying for support on OSS? Aside from like, Redhat stuff.
  • 3
    If you've ever maintained a mildly successful open source project, you might come at this with a different mindset.

    I put a product or library out there for free. Yes, I've written code in it that I'm not proud of and would do differently now - it contradicts my own style guidelines. But there's a world of difference between having to deal with *my* crap, and having to deal with everyone else's on an ongoing basis. Contributors submit a patch here and there then bugger off - they don't maintain that code in the future, and so every bit of code I accept is a potential maintenance burden. So yeah - if you want me to accept it, you'll damn well follow my rules to the tee to be in with a chance. Nothing else gets a look-in.

    Don't like it? It's open source. Fork it, make the change, rebuild, and off you go.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested A lot of OSS software is maintained by a companies which provide commercial support, just take a look at Nginx, MongoDB, WordPress, ...
  • 2
    I get that, it just doesn't seem any different than most other paid support. It's the cheapest resources they can find working problems relative to customers. Trying to figure out why the OSS matters at all.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce If YoU'vE eVeR Ma... Fuck you too. I've maintained my own OSS projects with 30k+ downloads, I'm currently helping maintain OSS projects with 300k+ weekly downloads, I've contributed to OSS projects with 2M+ weekly downloads. I'm always willing to contribute when maintainers are willing to consider my contribution, be it a bug report, pull request, idea, or anything else. I also understand people simply stop maintaining their projects, and that's okay.

    But even if I never did any of that, I'd still have every right to complain about people acting like their pride is more important than fixing a major problem with OSS they're maintaining as their job, especially when the fix is already there and they simply refuse to accept it.

    So kindly take your "but muh maintainers" crying elsewhere, and stop defending incompetent idiots.
  • 0
    @hitko Damn. You mad. You *real* mad 😂
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