
One of the higher ups just sent me a message on my private phone number after 10pm asking if we could discuss something work related. I'm a working student, leave me alone.

  • 5
    Working student as in an intern?! Screw that. I'd expect that only if it was a production issue and I was on call, but it's in my job contract and I get paid specifically for any hassle that causes (which is rarely to never.)

    You've just seen how the company values its employees - make a note not to return when your internship is over. Oh, and just pretend you didn't get the message.
  • 2
    Yeah that's not ok with me unless we're talking about show stopper bug.
  • 3
    10pm issues - production had better be dead in the water that late.

    The only time I work that late is during large deployments now that can't be done during business hours

    Learn from this, I once worked for a guy would would email me at 11pm - midnight as to if I was working the next day and then complained if I didn't show up, he stopped sending emails that late after a couple of times.
  • 0
    There's nothing wrong in asking by a message. After all, it's your own problem for reading messages after 22 if you don't want to. Just answer that it's not a good moment — you have no obligations.

    I've answered a couple times because I've felt good about it. For me it has felt like helping a friend. I also get paid for a full hour even if the call lasted for 10 minutes.

    That being said, most things can wait for the next day.
  • 1
    @electrineer I don't know man, I only work 20 hours per week and I don't get paid extra if I have to answer a call for 10 minutes. I have also been disturbed countless times by the same guy on my off days despite specifying that I only work other certain days, meetings have been put that I had to attend on my off days too.

    I just feel like I am given the responsibilities of a full time employee, but I'm paid not even half of one.
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