
VoIP meeting today lasted 7 minutes.
I have kept the board down to ~5 ticket average for the last 3 months.

Co-worker(jokingly): I guess we don't need you anymore.
CEO: Quite the contrary. @chenb0x may need a promotion.
Me: *smirks*

This is why I like working for this company. Love the culture....no matter how much I may bitch about the clients.

'How did I get here?' a young dev may ask.

1. Delegate where proper
2. Script whatever can be scripted
3. When the board is low in tickets, it becomes a recursive responsibility to keep it low.

Back story
When I was hired, the VoIP board was sitting at a ~30-40 ticket average.

  • 0
    Dear, can you tell me which VoIP service do you use? I'm in search of one right now. So, I was recommended to try this https://voiptimecloud.com/call-cent... one. It seems really nice but I just to find more options before using any of the services. What are your thoughts on it?
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