Since I got fired yesterday. I will be spending more ranting!

  • 6
    I'm sorry to hear that, if it was a good job. Congratulations if it was a bad one. Enjoy some time to relax.
  • 5
    thanx @burswag
    Can't say the job is bad. It was terrible experince to report to someone, who is very egoistic.
    Love to enjoy my time, but it is not going to happen. I am financially broke.
  • 2
    I hope you get back on your feet very soon, mate.
  • 9
    Why I hate 9-5 jobs. Anyways mate if you're in the UK lets build a build a business. You're not a failure. People like you end up buying the companies that saked you.😎😎 So rant and make the next golden move.
  • 0
    Sorry to hear that, hope you can get a new and good job
  • 0
    I hope you can get through this soon. Good luck buddy.
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