no VPN
ping => 22ms

with VPN

  • 10
    Cute, trusting cloudflare with your data
  • 2
    @Linux But they said: "We believe privacy is a right. We won't sell your data, ever." Surely we can trust them.
  • 0
    @Jilano is that the Indian train captcha with the lowest res photos I've seen that keeps popping up?
  • 0
    @Jilano makes sense now, I guess Indian smart cars won't be using 4K cameras. No wonder the images are shit.
  • 0
    @Linux How much trust does a ping need?
  • 0
    @saucyatom ssh to your vpn server, and test from there?
  • 0
  • 1
    @magicMirror I'm trying to connect to the company VPN to access my work resources. I worked around it for now by remoting into another personal Windows computer 1000km away and connecting from there..
  • 0
    @saucyatom ok. I guess.

    Reminds me of the days where I used 4 different ssh tunnels to get around the dumb ass Vpn-Work, work-sts vpn-other work, and other work-vpn to client system. Then add a line in the hosts file to https correctly....

    The jr DevOps asks how I did that.

    Do not ask questions. NEVER!
  • 0
    Seems like I finally found the issue. After trying a 100 things.

    Seems like when I exported the openvpn config NetworkManager didn't care about writing the HMAC auth config line... So I set that (after getting hold of the original openvpn config file) and now it not only connects, but also lets traffic flow. Yay. Kill me.
  • 0
    @Jilano It worked for me in personal affairs, it might also work for my job. At least for that I'm still in the same timezone!
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