Take more math than you need. Seriously. Computers are made of math. Nobody ever got an award for best looking web page. People do get awards for actual science.

  • 9
    Actually, there are design awards. Don't put people down for liking design over science, without them everything would be Spartan and ugly, like every software students make in college.
  • 0
    Fair enough, not everyone is a scientist. But seriously, take lots of math if you are.
  • 5
    I'm mostly a backend dev but let's be honest, no user gives two shits about your fancy algorithm on the backend if the UX is shit and confusing. Not easy to admit but it's true.

    It's like yin and yang. For successful products, one typically does not exist without the other. There are some exceptions of course. :)
  • 0
    Well, I tried taken more math than I needed. Failed my tests because ai knew how to prove everything but couldn't make a single calculation.
    When Universities value profund knowledge instead of superficial knowledge I don't think this is a good idea.
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