

  • 11
    So the fucking commies of the MIT got rid of him in favour of more diversity shit. RMS' comments were on spot regarding Minsky.

    And ESR was right years ago in his well-kown essay that hackers needed to eject SJWs.
  • 9
    Fucking hell.
  • 4
    Big sad, at least RMS is the head of gnu
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop ESR is a nutjob though. So you gotta really double check whether he is right about things or not. He was (and maybe still is) super pro Iraq/Afghan War. He would probably even say the US won those wars even as they are negotiating their own retreat from Afghanistan with the very same Taliban they blamed in 2003 of hiding Bin Laden.
  • 4
    @61164m35h oh, it's a woman. I didn't realize that. Guess the dumb opinion using diversity of appearance above diversity of thought is totally reasonable now.

    Seriously, diversity is even more important to them than intellectual freedom, so the freedom Maxime flies out of the window leaving only a useless organization and a code base that has to be fended off of dumb political restrictions and quotas.
  • 5
    @61164m35h the fact that you went from 0 to 100 with your SJW assumptions is amazing.
  • 2
    @61164m35h You're too stupid to even read the OP in your SJW femi-rage:

    "In Knauth's statement, he said". Fucking HE. Does this sound to you like that person is a fucking woman?
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Odile Benassy is a woman
  • 3
    @justamuslimguy But the OP attributes the diversity shit to Knauth, not Benassy, and Benassy isn't in charge, just a member of the board. Knauth is president, that's in charge.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop well looks like she deleted the comment anyways. You are right, but I thought it was worth knowing
  • 3
    @justamuslimguy And I've just googled a bit about Benassy. Her main project mentioned in the FSF nomination is GNU Edu which keeps her busy. On the FSF site, the last stable release is listed form fucking 2005! Even the domain for the project website given there has expired and doesn't work.

    And true to form, when I look up her most recent activities on Github, I also find SJW crap like "Women Math Genealogy": https://github.com/zerline/...

    To be fair, there's also real software, mostly about math visualisations, so she doesn't seem to be completely nuts.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop that doesn't seem like SJW crap to me. I'll let others decide for themselves.

    Often these people aren't active software contributors because they are involved in the day to day operations of groups which enable devs to operate as they do. Either way I don't think you have to even be a developer to be on the board of FSF. I wouldn't mind if non-devs were on board.
  • 2
    @justamuslimguy Well yeah, for a complete board, you'll probably also need e.g. accountants and lawyers to make sure the org has its shit together on these fronts.
  • 0
    @aviophile what's my sj assumption?
  • 2
    @61164m35h You're mad? Take your pills.
  • 1
    @Frederick I'd credit her a solid 7/10 in the B grade, which is about Reddit level. ^^
  • 2
    @61164m35h don’t delete your comment if you are gonna ask what was wrong coward.
  • 2
    @aviophile @61164m35h Actually, that's devRant's auto-filtering. There are enough people who clicked the -- button on that comment so that devRant doesn't display it.

    The insidious part is that the author of the comment will still see it, only others won't. However, in the comment section of her profile, it's still visible (before it will scroll out), so it wasn't deleted.

    Which is also why I didn't -- her moronic comments, to avoid fucking up the thread history.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop well in that case, unless it got invisible because of spamming, everbody should be able to see the post. I downvoted by “not for me”. It is just disagree button, not remove what I disagree with button. This made the discussion even worse.

    I hope devs remove whole ++/- - business as it generally leads to undesirable results. But this is for another rant :).

    Tl:dr; the person is not coward. My mistake that I thought post was deleted by owner.
  • 1
    @61164m35h my mistake, your downvotes made it invisible. But calling people you don’t know white trash inbred is the exact reason why I will not interact with/entertain you. I did not even know the person’s color but reading the text made me understood it is just another token diversity issue.
  • 1
    @61164m35h why are you insisting on being unpleasant?
  • 0
    @61164m35h Holy shit you seem like a terrible person. Calm down and maybe you can have a conversation
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