
S/O to all those friends and clients who think it's that easy..."Type me an app"

  • 22
    This actually made me angry on a deep level and I have next to no experience with clients
  • 0
    @ebourgess billions of people lol
  • 2
    I had someone wanting me to leave my (very secure) job to go help them make a app. One of them was going to use data obtained from there current job and the other had recently just walked out our company with no notice, the day before a large meeting with the client.

    So I politely declined the chance to earn millions in months.
  • 0
    @dayo haha that would have been an awesome app I believe. 😂
  • 0
    Yeah my favorite is when they hit you with the "I can't actually pay you for it, but it's valuable experience and it's not that hard."
  • 0
    @1nfiniteLoop are you an Apple employee? Had to ask because of your username 😉
  • 1
    @garrettw No, I'm a student and more of an android kinda guy. I chose it because of the amount of times I got stuck in them when I was learning programming in school. It's a reminder of where I started
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