

What direction would you guys like to see devRant going in. I personally like it as it is, a place where developers can rant, share jokes (but not memes), share their thoughts, etc etc. But I know some people want it to go in more of a SO direction, where it's just another serious questions board. What do you guys think?

  • 7
    Glad you asked this and I know the founders listen.
    I really like the social mix we have but I also like the tech solutions people post about. I have discovered 3 tools I now use on a regular basis. So tool discovery and maybe special offers might be cool. Also, good freelance dev career opportunities would help members.

    I know if @dfox and @trogus wanted to they could improve on Stack overflow and integrate that element into our community. Not sure if that fits the roadmap though.

    I am looking forward to reading other members views.
  • 5
    Stackoverflow is 4 questions devrant 4 jokes and communication (which is crucial as a dev to love programing )
  • 3
    @linuxer4fun amen. The fact that we don't have restriction in terms of a topic is great. Keep it so. If people have a technical question, there's nothing stopping them from posting it on devRant. It will be answered. Keeping things simple will mean greater flexibility in what people want to share which is good.
  • 4
    @Saborknight as they always say

  • 3
    I see it as a place to relax, rant and generaly unwind, some ui improvements would be nice (ability to save images, twitter style resumption from last point).
  • 3
    @GieltjE both of those things exist....
  • 2
    @GieltjE save image using the share button. And pressing the back button (on android) is resumption from last point...
  • 1
    @Player2 missed the save button, thnx.

    But I cannot get resumption to work, the back button just closes the app (am using the recent sort method)
  • 2
    I quite like it as it is, to be honest. There are other places for literally everything else.
  • 2
    @GieltjE hhuh. Back button takes me back to where I left off in the feed. If I'm in the feed, then back button closes
  • 2
    @GieltjE hhuh. Back button takes me back to where I left off in the feed. If I'm in the feed, then back button closes
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