I hate programming tutorials for a complicated language like c++ that are dedicated to absolute beginners of programming. If you've never coded before, why are you trying to learn c++?

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    Because when you are "an experienced programmer", the least you need it's a tutorial, you only jump to the documentation and read about syntax.

    If you can't seem to do that on your own, sorry to burst your bubble but you need to keep leveling up 😋
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    Because sometimes beginners are instructed to learn C or C++ as their first language. Yeah, I don't think it's a great idea either. But I see it happening a lot.
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    Still better than Java though
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    @apex this is the worst type of mentality. Tutorials are a great supplement to documentation, because documentation and source code are not always intuitive. A skilled developer should make use of all resources available to them, and if they can, make resources availability to others via helping with documentation or writing tutorials, articles, etc. that help explain concepts.
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    @superamadeus I think you missed my point. OP was ranting about why tutorials are so basic. All I told was that an "advanced" developer does not need them at all (never ditched the possibility of using them, I even use them 😁) , that most of the time, the only thing you need to jump into a language is to learn the syntax, data types, and you're ready to go.

    That means that if you feel tutorials are basic BUT can't get through with the docs and other, you should stick to the tuts and stop complaining.

    Also, C/C++ are awesome beginner languages, it can be overwhelming to manage memory and whatsoever manually, but it really gives you a deep insight on how things work and why they work.

    But...after all, this is devRant, where we come to rant 😋
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