

Arghgghhghgh ughhh....

I want to beef up the hell out of my Maths Chops so I can maybe try going back to school for a A.S. in EE or hell even an B.S.

I'm using my company's Safari Learning account for getting free-ish access to college algebra books and I'm self studying.

I'm still in Chapter 0 where the book covers shit you're supposed to know from previous years of education. I'm just learning about some of this shit now!!!

While it's possible that I didn't pay attention in high school lectures, I took geometry in 9th grade and was an A/B+ student and felt confident in maths. I got to Algebra II in High School and suddenly nothing made sense anymore, reality fucking-fell-apart!

Suddenly, I'm failing tests left and right and struggling with the lecture concepts and I could never seem to grasp materials covered in class anymore to even be able to finish the homework assignments.

Fast forward to me being 15 years older and wanting to take a stab at this shit again, but with new found determination to get into EE so I can fuck around with small electronics for pet projects I want to do. I'm starting with College Algebra to try and learn when suddenly, low and behold I have a HUGE FUCK-MOTHERING GAP in my core understanding of the language/syntax/grammar of mathematics.

Been fucking knee-capped for the last decade+ because I either slacked off during those fundamental lectures (which again; is totally plausible) or I had a complete fucking imbecile for a math teacher that glossed over the topics and fucked not only me but the 40+ other kids in that class.

I'm not going to blame the teacher, although I really fucking want to, but I can't remember how the class scored on tests or homework to be able to fairly and objectively make that judgement against the educator.

FUCK!!! I hate my 15 y.o. self right now

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    My dumbass cheated through college trig and precal bc I took them online in highschool.

    Calculus fucking suuuucked when I got college lol
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    Those who can, do. Those who can't teach.

    By extension, your education is generally not provided by those who are competent to actually use the knowledge they're supposed to impart.
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    It's held mostly true in my experience. The problem is the jobs are barely compensated. Takes a lot of passion to opt for poverty.
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    @M1sf3t No worries, the education system feels utterly fucked here. (I'm in the US, not sure if you are too)

    I have a huge personal grudge with the way that the edication system was run during my time through the public education system. I was going through the "no child left behind" program, and while that sounds good and honky-dory all it means is that the educators have to slow wayyy the fuck down for the kids that either 1) legitimately should be in another class that teachs the material at a slower pace or 2) the kids just fucked around and didn't care.

    It was a pretty shit experience for the teachers because they couldn't give attention to the kids that wanted to learn or were zipping through the material at light speed compared to the rest of the class.

    But the standardized test scores need to be better! (wah wah crybaby bullshit)

    By the time kids are 15-16 you can tell where they are headed education-wise, why invest in kids that don't care? BTW, Not saying they are stupid
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    Every child held back was probably more accurate. Let's get those testing scores up by dumbing them down to the Texas standard. Glorious.
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    @SortOfTested I wish I could smash the ++ button a million times at your comment xD
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