
I've been coding for a year and I can't even do hello world in javascript. I've never touched it. Is that bad?

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    console.log("Hello, world!");
    document.write("Hello, world!");

    That's it lol
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    @jirehstudios I've not written a line of code in javascript ever was more my point..... and I've been learning to code/program/whatever you want to call it for a year.
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    It's not bad, usually learners know more than they think they do.

    Try to abstract what you want to do
    And after that, how to do it in js way

    Tell us how you doing
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    @KnightsOfCode likely. But it's a bit unusual as I'd say that most people my level are primarily js/php, and I've used neither. Always used c#/various other 'more complex' languages.

    Pro tip: it's not more complex if you've never learned anything easier! :p

    (I'm aware they are difficult to compare so 'more complex' is meaningless, but it's what my fellow students call it)
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    If you're never going to do web development then you don't need to know javascript. Otherwise, you definitely need to know javascript and more importantly, how to do it properly.

    Many people think writing javascript is easy, when actually it's just easy to write bad javascript. 😉
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    alert("hello world");
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    I'm quite experienced and still struggle switching between PHP and JavaScript most days.
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    @Player2 it's not the end of the world, I've been programming commercially for the last 18 years and still don't know javascript
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    If you've been coding in JavaScript. Then yes, mate.
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    @rantymcrantface never touched js. Ever
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    Seriously, I highly recommend taking the time to understand good javascript vs bad javascript.

    It will show what a beautiful, expressive language it can be when used properly.

    It will also show you how, as a loosely typed dynamic language, it will let you shoot yourself in the foot all day long and you'll only find out when you run your code. 😁

    It takes a lot of discipline when coming from a static language (getting good tooling in place can help too).
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