Just got our development Laravel docker image down to under 124 MB with alpine linux. The satisfaction...

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    @Artemix Why? Docker is nothing like a VM.
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    @Artemix well the actual overhead is the baseimage that is eating the space and if you use alpine, it will eat about 5 megs of your precious diskspace. And that is not even the point running docker. The point is that what you run in your dev, will be exactly the same in prod.
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    @cahva until you need something that is not available as package and you have to compile it... where alpine is starting to suck
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    @Artemix So what do you like?
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    @drRoss oldschool ;)
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    @vatson Sounds like she'd be happy buying physical hardware and not utilising all of its power!
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    @vatson as I said, docker is not intended to save space. If you need something to be build and you cant do it with alpine, use something else.
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    @cahva what's about macos users? This tricky workaround with mounted volumes over user homedir? Installing of docker only inside system volume, ie I have small but very fast ssd, but still small, I can not choose where should be placed the built images. That network issues due to configuration of vm drivers - ie I had a pain when dns inside of vm tried to resolve private registry under vpn until I added the settings to VBox. I got totaly destroyed docker-mashine when power was off unexpectedly and it meant that I should pull and build tons of images. Nah, you don't convinced me that docker is the silver bullet forever. It solves the range of issues but it brings its own
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    @vatson Well you're trying to configure it in a way that would never be for production, the fact that it's hard to configure it on your laptop is void... The idea of Docker is that you can throw an app in a container on any platform and it work the same as it did on your laptop. What you're talking about is the configuration piece outside Docker, which in your case should be automated with Vagrant to make it automated and repeatable.
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    @drRoss of course macos and especially my macbook will never be on production, hello. I know the theory and ideas. But I dunno how to use it without painass. We are still talking about developing not just running container on production at any platform? I'm as a developer is interested in stable, fast, smooth dev environment. Docker isn't sometimes. You see that I use exception cases that can make programmers angry when you are trying to say that docker is all we need. That's it
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    I guess it's worth mentioning that the previous image was 1 GB.
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