  • 4
    @thmnmlst that one vertically aligns only text (probably inline-block as well), used with line-height.
  • 6
    @thmnmlst The vertical-align property only applies to inline-level and 'table-cell' elements
  • 2
    @gijsgoudzwaard well that's a lot more specific!
  • 6
    @thmnmlst Just set it to position: absolute; with a top of 50%. Then you can move it to the center either by margin-top: -half of the height of your container or by using CSS transform with translateY(-50%). You can also use the trick to center horizontally.
  • 4
    display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;
  • 2
  • 0
    @lukegv Woops. I missed that part. Only read the xkcd comic.
  • 0
    I like to add more div layers.

    Put a div with display table in, then inside a div with display table-cell vertical-align middle.

    Make sure they have the right heights and widths too.

  • 0
    I really don't get why you can specify the easing function for your animations but you can't do align: center and vertical-align: center.
  • 7
    I can't do css.

    😺Can you build a machine learning system to make suggestions purchases to our customers

    😎sure, no problem.

    😸and can you make the font in the head red?

    😥woooh there! slow down. Let's not go crazzy with delusions of grandeur. What kind of wizzard do you take me for. You don't just change the color of of things.
  • 0
    So bad this isn't the original :(
  • 0
    @thmnmlst this is because the browser window has no fixed height defined. And that means you can not define the center of something that's infinite.

    So infinite/2 is equivalent to unknown.
    This means that you need to create a situation where your height is defined and then you can calculate half.

    My solution is mostly using magic of margins and paddings with %. And hope for the best that all browsers like the solution.
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