
Been coding for many years. Just submitted my first public commercial app to eBay to get approved for compatibility then going to make some tweaks and send it off to the App Store 😆😬

  • 1
    Cool, how does the app work?
  • 0
    @gnaaah it's main purpose is to display messages to sellers so they can efficiently respond to them. Let's them add todos to messages so they can go through a bunch, figure out what they need to do for them and go back to their todo list later to respond. It also puts item and order information right at the bottom of each message. The alternative using the site is cumbersome...forces you to use multiple tabs or keep switching between messages and the orders screen to search for the information.
  • 1
    @SciKey That sounds awesome! Like Zen Desk for eBay
    For which platform?
  • 0
    @gnaaah thanks 😁 For now iOS, particularly iPad but it'll be universal
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