
I let my laptop update Windows for once, so I turned on my Macbook when this happened...

  • 5
    I never understood why windows and OSX need to install updates before booting and Linux doesn't.

    (Also, we have identical avatars.)
  • 6
    @gggggggggg Linux is optimized for servers, which need maximum uptime. Windows/OSX are consumer os's, so they dint give a fuck about uptime
  • 2
    The first thing I do is disabling automatic updates, yeah it's insecure, but Windows really eat up all resources, also it unexpectedly updates when playing online games.

    Why don't they just list available updates with its description and let you select which updates you want to have.
  • 0
    And I haven't let apt update anything for weeks now
  • 0
    @alberto98fx both apparently. Hes trying to use OSX while windows is updating, but luck is not on his side
  • 1
    @pxgamer hehe, that's my bf playing Fifa on PS ;)
  • 1
    @rightbrace You should probably do that then, considering the COW vulnerability
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