How does the new MacBook pro outsell Microsoft surface and dell XPS 😖 are there so many "sheep" out there who buy a 1300+ machine with 2 (max 4 ports) not including the 17 dongles you'll need?

Sorry if I offended anyone but I just think the new MBP is ridiculous and is definitely not "Pro"

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    Amen brother. Missus wanted a Macs*pro it was miracle when we found a Asus Ultrabook with half the price and twice the specs. Not really. She had a Pro before, but man is she happy with the new machine. Dualbooted and devRant swagged.

    Don't get me wrong. Pros have been great. Been using one for long time. The lack of imbedded ports is the deal breaker. If you are in tech there are 101 of things you need to do and plug into your computer. They really dropped the ball this time around. It's still a nice netbook still.

    There are better displays . There are better keyboards and battery life. There are aluminium bodies. Don't get the selling point anymore.
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    @StefanH I know they've been waiting but that doesn't mean they HAVE to get the new Macbook "Pro" does it ? 😂
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    @dontbeevil probably an Apple Watch without the band as they are very keen on removing things from their products 🙃
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    I think the new MacBook Pro is awesome 👍
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    I wonder what does the 'Pro' mean since it doesn't look it's meant for professionals.
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    @Alkotronikk it means nothing no more 😂
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    Who needs light beneath keys I don't look at my keyboard while typing I'm pro.
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    I use my 2013 MacBook Pro, and honestly I almost never plug anything into it except for power and my iPhone. For presenting most times conference rooms have Apple TVs so we can just steam the presentation. I get they aren't for everyone but if you prefer OSX the lack of different ports isn't necessarily a deal breaker.

    I as a consumer would love the price to be lower but as an Apple user you vote with your wallet and as for me it's still worth the cost. Not for everyone but I still see value in the product. Some people don't see the cost being worth the value which is totally cool.

    (I also use Windows 7 for my second job and Red Hat Linux on servers if that lends to my credibility)
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    @mr-tumnus Hmm, well I don't know how you do it, but I sometimes need to plug in my USB with ssh keys, my drawing tablet, my external hard drive my mic setup, my headset sometimes, .. and all of these go through usb
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    @liammartens I can understand if you are doing audio or video work the need for multiple ports. When doing design I don't use a Wacom or anything, just my trackpad. Also don't have any physical external authentication I need to use.

    I could most def be the minority. Sometimes I do audio recording but then it's just a single thunderbolt cable.

    My backups also occur wirelessly to an encrypted HD on my network
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    @mr-tumnus Of course I know it depends on the user and all that but for a device to have a "Pro" status I kind of expect stuff like ports (my opinion)
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    @liammartens For sure! Your opinion is totally valid. I was just providing a different perspective as well
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    Idk I dislike plugging in more than 1 USB device into my machine. If I need to get a USB C hub to plug in everything to it, I'd be mighty fine with that.
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    @DoctorDalek I just have to at times :P
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    @Alkotronikk "prorate" as in an extra fee for being apple brand ;)
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