Does anyone play Path of Exile?

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    I do a bit (haven't played in a while) and I have friends who've put in 1k+ hours in the game. Why?
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    @RememberMe I'm making a POE build calculator tool and I'm curious how popular the game is. There's a bunch of open source overlays mostly from Koreans.
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    @hashedram I would say don't bother. Path of Building is an established standard in the community and it has a ton of activity.

    It's a pretty damn popular game with a pretty dedicated community.
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    @Jilano @amatrelan @hashedram speaking of which, Harvest league looks kick-ass compared to Delirium.
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    Is it good? Wanted to play for some time
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    Harvest looks great and they also have a new vulkan renderer so it doesn't murder my GPU every 2 seconds.
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    @amatrelan Diablo 3 is an abomination (Diablo 2 gang leggo)
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    I play a little bit, with my friends usually. I even used https://overgear.com/games/poe once because I was lazy for playing to upgrade my account. Nice game but I'm not a nerd.
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    Path of exile is an excellent game. Though free to play, it has all the content and polish one could easily expect from a retail package. Path of Exile offers a lengthy campaign, that is fully voice acted, and a wealth of lore to discover. Though primarily geared toward single player, and cooperative multiplayer, if you desire the glory of combat with fellow players Path of Exile offers a number of Player vs Player (PvP) features.
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    POE is a surprisingly great game. I've tried the beginning areas of the game in the past few years but kept getting distracted with other AAA titles, but in the last 1.5 months I've been giving all of my spare time to POE and I'm hooked.

    As a rule I avoid free-to-play games like the plague, so often either the product is lacking or the monetization structure limits gameplay to some degree, forcing you to pay more than you would for a priced product. But I also pay for some poe items cause sometimes it is hard to get it. After playing over 200 hrs of the game (and having a blast with the complexity and breadth of content), there's been no paywall in sight.
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    I have been playing PoE for a long time. It is an excellent game. Though free to play, it has all the content and polish one could easily expect from a retail package. So you can totally use your money buying POE currency at ssegold to save your time. Path of Exile offers a lengthy campaign, that is fully voice acted, and a wealth of lore to discover. Though primarily geared toward single-player, and cooperative multiplayer, if you desire the glory of combat with fellow players Path of Exile offers a number of Player vs Player (PvP) features.
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    I’ve already given up and returned to POE several times, but lately I’ve been drawn into D4, in particular you can enjoy an excellent storyline with videos of excellent quality.
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