Hey guys!! My first time in this app and it seems really cool! What are some tips to get me started :)?

  • 4
    You seem to have a handle on it. Welcome.

    Complain about stuff, lean into other complaints. Basically blind.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested oh hell yeah haha, my job is shitty af, people are cool by damn the technology sucks most of the time
  • 1
    1. welcome mr ducky ducky go, enjoy you stay

    2. don't be a dick

    3. #AnalRespect

    4. to get the reference of point 3, watch this https://youtu.be/N4my1O6-nrU?t=154
  • 1
    Thank you for your comment mr @JhonDoe, that video was pure gold had to watch it completely and now everything makes sense
  • 1
    @duckycode you're welcome. I share that video here whenever I can. mega64 is awesome(not in general, but I love some vids from them, they have some not so good tbh)
  • 1
    @JhonDoe Well keep sharing that man! it was really hilarious! haha you just made my night, I'll share this with friends for sure
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    Rule #1: Don't share memes unless you want downvotes.
  • 3
    Just curse about an operating system and you're all set
  • 0
    haha thanks a lot seems like posting memes here is villains only stuff at least I know now that this is not reddit!
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine that would be an easy target hahaha
  • 2
    Linux or Windows?

    pick a side now and never ever let go no matter how good the other option is starting to get. NEVER
  • 2
    > do thing
    > doesn't work
    > a n g e r
    > let it out
  • 1
    - open the stories tab and choose all
    - enjoy the old and gold stuff
  • 1
    @Hazarth what if you use windows as a jump machine for linux haha should I just keep it quiet?
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    It doesn't actually matter what you use or how you use it, all that matters is that you insult everyone who doesn't use the same things the same way, and you'll fit right in with most of the population here :)
  • 1
    @Hazarth :) oh right I’ll make sure to spread the hate (jk this community seems too awesome to be true)
  • 2
    @duckycode This community is fucking awesome! We got all kinda people, from devs to sysadmins to cybersecurity people (that would be me) aaaaand so on.
    So there's people who join in on frontend related rants, backend rants, etc. I usually join in on security/privacy/linux/backend stuff :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx that’s really cool kudos for cybersecurity 🤘🤘
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