What is the best financial advice you've ever been given?

I see a lot of well paid developers in my area living month to month with no plan for the future, what would you tell them?

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    I would tell them to read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and find a good financial planner that will help them come up with a plan. Not someone from a bank though. They're only there to sell you stuff. Try to determine the planner's financial status. If they can't help themselves, they can't help you.
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    In French, they've got a beautiful saying:"Le Coffre-Fort ne Suivra pas le Corbillard". It means something like: your vault will not attend your funeral procession.
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    @Lukas That's a good one. Yeah, saving is fine for the smaller things but most of your money should be put into something that makes money. Buy and build assets. Your assets pay for your liabilities. Make your money work for you. Money sitting in a savings account isn't "working".

    Schools don't teach about finance and credit unfortunately. Those are skills everyone needs. Even if you're earning minimum wage, it can still help you.
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    Fuck it like is abstract ...
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    @RichardH or Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job
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    @0tikurt Pretty much all his books and others like them.
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    "Let me financial plan for you"
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    1. Save.
    2. Get rid of debt.
    3. Invest.
    4. ???
    5. Profit!
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    I've also heard Rich Dad Poor Dad is good. My advice would be to pay off any interest bearing debt then figure out what your goals are and when you want to achieve them, then work out a roadmap.

    If your goals are 5+ years away and you have a lot of disposable income then you could speak to an IFA.
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