I was 6 and when I realized that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

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    Thanks for sharing
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    Now you made me realize that Santa Claus doesn't exist :(
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    @Areg and you want a present right?
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    Don't be too hard on yourself. Many people believe in supernatural beings for their whole lifes.
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    As @Lensflare said, some people believe in silly things their entire life.

    However, as we can only see and interact with less than 5% of what's actually in the universe (yay dark matter/energy!), there very likely are other things, perhaps even living things, that we simply can't see. And the scary part is that they wouldn't care about silly little humans.

    I, for one, can't wait to meet them.
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    @Root and even the bigger question is,
    "Why is there something instead of nothing at all ?"
    The existence itself is such a highly improbable event that I sometimes go crazy about it.
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    @rutee07 The guy that fills the glass with special milk each Christmas night.
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    @Root No. We're not launching an expedition to Antarctica and we're not gonna dig up ancient creature's remains.
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    @ishank-dev Why it's improbable? Humans, don't know shit. We are clueless about what is on our universe, or even on our mere own planet. We are so small and somewhat limited in intelligence. Trying to get your head around all the crazy stuff on the universe will just give you an existential crisis, without actually finding nothing about this universe. Even if you had a 1000 lives, you would find nothing.
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    I was two and have yet not read Machiavelli :( felt like a dumbass.
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    I was 16 when I realised she does exist and had a sex change
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    @electrineer So now its a transformer?
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    My little brother found out about it at 7, but did so by reading about hinduism (We're a European, atheist family so religion is an external concept we learn about from books) and understanding the concept of a ritual. Because of this, he thought christmas was some sort of weird christian ritual and decided to play along for another three years.
    He doesn't like correcting people and this often leads to strange situations.
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    @Bybit260 You are absolutely right! I have had invisible beings attack me, been blessed by divine power (energy, not electricity, been shocked too), and have heard strange voices. I have been evaluated and don't have any medical condition that would cause these sensations. There is a hell of a lot more going on than science can or is willing to detect. I have also seen 4th dimensional abstract images in my head at least once. Still trying to figure out how to do this again! Never used drugs, and won't go that route. There are whole levels of consciousness we don't even see! The first time I realized that consciousness is not entirely produced by the brain was literally a mind trip.

    YMMV, and your experiences are different. I have no basis to reject your own set of beliefs. The people that worry me most are those that think their own life experiences are enough to sum up those of everyone else life experiences.
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