

The amount of sensitive, private, and secure information you can get just by asking someone for it is truly astounding.

  • 1
    I second that yupp.
  • 5
    yep social engineering is becoming popular, all to it is to write a official email and mass send it. some dumbass will awnser back. or you can go the sympathy route if you're a woman and have a recording of a loud crying baby and get into somebody's account though customer service
  • 0
    Any good tutorials /videos on social engineering? :)
  • 3
    @Shonen it's mostly psychology and knowing how to write a professional sounding email. but here's one

    I hope you use this knowledge for good and not evil
  • 0
    @jckimble you talking about the interview with Chris Hadnag (sorry for incorrect name) on Fusion ?
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