
I used to be a lousy software developer, and I used to settle for what I knew. Until my sister told me that my mother spoke of me to the family as a successful professional, someone who had overcome the poverty where he grew up and now lived in another country. Since then I have struggled to become a better professional, a better husband and in a few months i want to be the best that! My wife's pregnant!

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  • 3
    You have made them proud!
  • 8
    So you failed to guard your buffers, produced a buffer overflow, and that will spawn a new process.
  • 3
    congratz! Grow a better offspring than you are! Make the world a better place. That's your duty now.
  • 1
    I’m proud of you too
  • 2
    Oooo yeaahhhhh.... Congratulations man!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳👨‍👩‍👧👪
  • 1
    Your dad's pregnant? Congrats to him then.
  • 2
    Congratulations! With this attitude you'll do just fine :)
  • 0
    thanks to all!
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