No no no.
This newbie pings me for every thing !
It's fucking annoying !
And I'm annoyed with myself for still being nice !
I don't know if he's ever heard of searching for a solution online for even the most trivial problems !
He's not even aware of restarting something !
I have to tell him to do that !
He doesn't even read the help information for commands !
Why why why.

  • 7
    Write a paper with instructions on it like:
    If *situation* do *thing*
  • 4
    Here we go. Another ping.
  • 9
    @-red I'm mentally with you
    "... *whisper* make it look like an accident"
  • 1
    @rutee07 Pong?
  • 1
    @rutee07 thank God you told me!
  • 1
    @rutee07 Good, just yesterday I noticed a shortage of condoms in @Cup0coffee ‘s room!

  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
    @010001111 WHICH FORKING ROOM?!
  • 0
    @rutee07 thank God again!
  • 1
    @Nanos zipped*
  • 2
    As someone who was a newb not too long ago, I'd say you're being a dick for assuming that someone new should have the same knowledge and experience as you do.

    Maybe they don't have the confidence yet and or are unsure how to proceed? Or maybe they don't want to make any big mistakes?

    I mean try to put yourself in the newb's shoes and imagine how you'd feel if your peer would bitch about you behind your back just because you're new.
  • 6
    @pdinklaedch There's a limit to how much you help someone. There's no excuse for laziness.
    When it's your job to figure stuff out, fucking figure stuff out. And I don't give a shit what others say behind my back.

    I was a newbie just a few months ago so I know.

    And if someone did say the same thing behind my back, that's perfectly fine because it's always relative.
  • 1
    @pdinklaedch I can remember my times when I asked a lot my tech lead, but they always where related to BL or the Architecture how we should handle things, not specifically related to the language or syntax.

    My tech lead never cared if I’d use a if or switch for something, just get the job done in the first place, then you maybe argue at lunch when what would have been better. But that’s just the general the more you do, the better you become thing.

    The only time I felt stupid was when he asked “have you tried after clearing the cache?” And that actually did fix my problem.
  • 3
    @-red @pdinklaedch
    But you do what you do. I'm still helping him. The work is getting done. He's learning. I'm good. This rant is not harming anyone is it ?
  • 2
    They don’t even know how to google.
  • 5
    1. teach him to google
    2. Schedule the time when you are available for his questions.
    Like 10 mins in the morning for the daily task.
    15 minutes after lunch for questions, and problems.
    And 5 min before going home in the evening for discussing his task completion and to reflect what he learned.

  • 5
    Don't just give them the answer. Ask them what the answer is.

    If they ask how do you do XYZ? Ask them, how do you think you would find out how to do XYZ?

    If they keep asking the same thing over and over ask them, didn't we go over this x times already? Take notes this time. If they ask again, ignore them.

    Eventually, you will train them to Google it or frustrate them enough to quit.
  • 1
    Introduce him to lmgtfy. 🙂
  • 1
    You have bad karma from all the ++ bombing ;)
  • 1
  • 1
    Never write things on paper in an intentions of if *something* then *do this*. That is a bad idea IMHO, person will not be able to learn critical survival skills rather, he will just use you as a google.
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