
How does it feel to work in a project where it doesn't have a proper planning ?. Anyone experienced?

  • 4
    It feels normal 🙄
  • 3
    Proper planning?
    Wtf is new buzzword
  • 1
    ... proper planning? I think I once knew that term in a previous life, maybe came across it while studying as a hypothetical concept never applied in the dev world?
  • 0
    It hurts. Boi it hurts!
    - po comes a couple times a day and asks to do smth ad-hoc
    - priorities change a few times a day
    - no time for tests - just write the prod code and ship it
    - jungle is easier to navigate in than the codebase
    - tech debts all over the place
    - at least one dev is overtiming every day for several hours. Prolly unpaid ot.

    - burnout is lurking right around that corner...

    I ditched that project as soon as I got a chance
  • 0
    @netikras Seems you are a experienced developers
  • 0
    @Jilano hi! How's it now? Better? :)
  • 0
    I guess we are only supposed to learn about this stuff for the degree :/
  • 1
    It’s probably project where people are experienced, talk to each other and know what needs to be done instead of relying on shitty management bullshit. The place I’d like to be.
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