
I know am saying this for the ‘n’th time, but...

FUCK ANDROID STUDIO it’s a fucking pile of crap I hate it, after ‘n’ number of years you’d think it will run smoother after This update and that update but It has to pile up its shit on the processor and drag it like painfully in a primitive manner like a dying old tortoise, ..not even making sense. Fuck this.

  • 3
    lol, I'm sorry you you man. The question is, what is worse, android development, or being involved in the node.js and js crap?
  • 2
    @jiffier Well, node build and dev tools are generally not behemoths like android studio.
  • 0
    @jiffier for me the js stuff would be worse, I think.... 🤔
  • 0
    @scout Try the last Eclipse-based version, you'll put things into perspective ;)
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