Found this on twitter. OMG

  • 1
    New coding convention in 2016? :D
  • 0
    😱😱 omg!!
  • 1
    Dev seems likes to work with ruby or python, transported that to c++? Nice idea. Just that dev does not understand the intention of the language. Saw similar : python code with loops looking like JavaScript.
  • 0
    I think the brackets are actually pretty clear here. Uhoh- this could become a trend...
  • 1
    And after that we are going back to the hungarian notation :D

    vUsing adjHungarian nnotation vmakes nreading ncode adjdifficult.

  • 1
    @thejohnhoffer it's python style. Indentation as part of the code
  • 3
    When you have to code in Java but Python is life.

    BTW, first post so hello everyone.
  • 1
    This is what happens , when a Pythonista writes Java program.
  • 0
    I think I'm drooling over this a bit.. *_*
  • 0
    Actually if you open this on your phone and cover the {} with your finger the code its very clear and nicely indented. Python for the win !!!
  • 0
    @3ndriu I think that this is the 3rd post :d
  • 0
    Yeah, but then when you write a line that's longer than the others...
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