
I finally fucking did it!

I strapped up, strapped in, strapped on... uh wait what?

I finally made the full dedicated switch to linux on my personal computer. Blew away Windows and installed linux. I was able to get about 95% of the games that I actually play on PC to run under a combo of proton/lutris-wine.

I feel like after working in a (primarily) linux shop for almost 2 years now, I've learned enough to be able to actually troubleshoot if/when something goes wonky. I've been a windows/sysadmin type in my career for about 8 years and only touched small bits of linux here and there or for fun little projects like a retropie setup.

But thanks to this gig I'm working at now, as a devops engineer, I've learned so got'damn much about linux and I've been developing scripts/tools that run on linux I figured I could, or better yet 'should', take the full plunge.

So, I've decided that if there's something I absolutely need on Windows that Linux doesn't support, instead of knee-jerking and going back to Windows, I'm going to just setup a VM of windows and daily drive Linux from now on.

Some gfx tweaks for games were definitely necessary, it's still not quite as plug and play as Windows for games, but the fact that it only took like 1.5 hours to sort out all of my games performance is really impressive. Especially, considering none of these games actually supports linux out of the box and Wine/Proton is being used to get them to work.

  • 5
    Nice, well done!

    Id like to do that myself but I find that a lot of games I play simply just won't run right, or at a decent framerate.

    Glad to hear it works for you!
  • 8
    So wich distro do you run?
  • 4
    Here ++ well deserveds
  • 7
    @Oktokolo Admittedly I haven't had terribly good luck with Debian based distros in the past, but I took at a peek at Ubuntu's Hardware compatibility guide this time around and saw that my laptop is actually supported as an OEM certified system.

    So, between having a desire to play games, I write some code (not really a programmer though, I don't know anything about proper coding paradigms or any of the theoretical stuff), and running a distro with known compatibility with my hardware I choose Pop_OS! 20.04.

    Lol, I definitely would've given up if I was trying to run Arch =P
  • 3
    Hopefully it works out for you. I've used Ubuntu most frequently as my alternate OS (probably for the last 12 years or so) and was actually using it a lot the last time I installed... but an update made it unbootable, and I was aggravated enough to not try to repair.
  • 2
    How's game performance like?
  • 2
    @kamen game perfomance is good. I have a gtx1060 and I'm able to play everything at medium-high or high settings @1080p60fps. I'm using MangoHUD for dialing in settings.

    Like WoW running under DX12/vkd3d I can technically get into the 200fps on WoW's default 7 gfx preset. But frametimes were absolutely terrible and screen tear was atrocious. My external monitor is only a 1080p 60hz screen so I just nomally enable v-sync and want my games to run at a smooth 60fps. I switched the api from dx12 to 'dx11 legacy' in the WoW settings and I guess that changes from vulkan to DXVK but the screen tearing and frametime jitters smoothed out drastically. I'm playing on preset 10 and my temps went up a few degrees but gameplay is smooth.

    Another game I'm playing is GTFO through steam. Solo play I've been able to run 60fps smoothly with vsync but I need to test playing it with orher people and with discord voice chat running before being able to say definitively if it's good or bad.
  • 3
    They grow up so fast 😢
  • 1
    Welcome to the dark side
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