
Guess not everyone knows how much one gigabyte is :/

  • 4
    Yup, if they would they would be called 1023 megabytes and that isn't catchy I guess! :P
  • 6
    @SuperNOVA you're talking mebibytes and gibibytes.

    ...and I'm sad those words exist.
  • 0
    @spongessuck did they change the standard of 1024?
  • 3

    1 Gigabyte is actually only 1000 mb, which is only 1000 kb, et cetera, because those darn scientists claimed the Latin prefixes first. Now we are stuck with Mebabytes and Gibabytes (no, I'm not kidding, look it up)
  • 1
    Someone decided to create binary prefixes to distinguish base 2 measurements from base 10, since mega really means million and disk companies advertise disk sizes in mega- or gigabytes using the metric measurement (to the chagrin of computer scientists everywhere expecting a gigabyte disk to have 2^30 bytes when it really has 10^6 bytes). A gigabyte is about 6.5% smaller than a gibibyte.
  • 5
    Well what's next? They gonna change full HD to 1000x2000 and call 1080x1920 dull HD?
  • 4
    You can fire me but I'm never gonna say "Mebabyte" in my life...
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