
Life with Windows 10:

An absolute nightmare. My oven doesn't work, Washing machine started rattling, toaster toasted more than it was supposed to toast. Every time windows updates it restarts my TV in my living room.

Then I met my neighbour. He lives a very happy life. I always wanted to know his secret ingredients.

One day I invited him to my house and he saw my Windows machine. He immediately insisted that I install Linux so that I can be happy and cool like him.

And that's the day my life changed. My oven started to bake beautifully, my washing machine was spinning at full speed.

Linux changed my life. I'm now part of the cool kids. Everyone loves me, embraces me.

Is your life hard? Are you not being noticed by other cool boys/girls? Are you having pain in your back? Remember:

Whatever bad happens, it's Windows 10's fault.

  • 10
    Was reading this with that familiar first person background tune which we see in ads, lol.
  • 3
    @tahnik did the toaster toast performance become more toasty or less toasty after installing Linux?
  • 3
    Windows is actually trying to push Windows 10 Core for IoT devices.
  • 0
    @theDatron Toaster's WiFi driver is not available in Linux. But that's toaster's fault.
  • 1
    It's always a problem with Windows... It tries to install a new seg.................................

    Windows 10 has stopped working
    SEGMENTATION Fault at address: 0x000101322 (Err code: 1D10T)
  • 1
    Yeah linux for home use, tell me stories.
    You have a fancy keyboard with some function keys? Good for you, but you need to write your own driver fot it to work on Linux.
    You have a fansy sound card? Sorry man, out of luck if you dont know how to write drivers for it as well.
    You have AMD graphics card? Tough as well.

    I can see linux as a work OS, I do have it at work and I can work with it. For home use thanks, but I will just stick with Windows. For some reason I do not have any issues people are complaining about and it just works for me. May be I am using it wrong?
  • 0
    @Yonah I use Amd graphics, never had a problem with the drivers :) or the mapping of function keys to certain tasks using an alias file or my main zshrc. Mind you generally I do just use a chicony split keyboard back from the 90s ps/2 ftw.
  • 1
    I love Linux! Buuut.... Honestly, Windows behaves better than any Linux Distro / ArchLinux on my laptop :/
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