
I thought I could trust Samsung phones for a flagship phone purchase over the Chinese smartphone brands.

But I just learned that even these fuckers are now running ads in the OS.

I guess I'm gonna have to switch to iPhone then.

  • 7
    All aboard the custom phone os ship!
  • 3
    Ads injected into the OS is so wrong! Why would someone think that it'd be good to bring ads between the user and their machine. The only function of any interface is to become invisible between the two. But some companies think that interfaces are just banners :/
  • 2
    Since your jumping ship, Here's the app you'll need for ads in general, takes a bit of setting up though.

  • 1
    @Jilano Looks like they started ads in June https://androidpolice.com/2020/06/...
  • 1
    @C0D4 I hate iOS but I can bear it for the ecosystem and apple watch. If Android manufacturers are becoming desperate like this, I'll be jumping ship.
  • 1
    And then you can have your details sold to Chinese companies by Apple China, much more direct!
  • 1
    Get a Note9 (even used) and only update it until the last Android 8.1 update. Best phone you'll ever have, and no bs or ads to bog it down.
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