A lot has changed over the last month for me in my life.

The cases are rising crazily now. Thanks to the stupid govt's immature and unplanned lockdown.

Now while over 20k+ cases are being reported every single day, there is no sign or plan to contain it properly.

Two weeks ago, I had a mental breakdown over the uncertainty in future plans ( was planning to get a job in remote company and ditch current job to go back home in this grave situation but it has been delayed ) and burnout from living almost same routine since mid-March. I just wanted to go back to my home state where I will feel safe even if I get infected somehow.

Me and my friends have vacated our rented apartment last weekend. I'm now at the airport to leave this city and in less than 8 hrs, I will be back to my home where I will stay 14 days in quarantine before I can go out again.

I'm glad to have a job which I can "work from home". But more importantly, I'm glad to go back to my place which I can truly call my home. 🏠♥️

  • 7
    Lockdown led to cases? 🤔
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Maybe because there is a flaw in lock down plan or people don't follow it correctly?
  • 2
    Don't come to Australia then.

    You get an instant 14 day quarantine + 10 days more if you don't consent to testing.

    Stupid countries and their effective lockdowns 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    Just too vague, no vis a vis.


    Go oooooon
  • 1
    Cool story, I'm still interested in OP breaking down what he meant.
  • 4

    People need to know that nothing happening is the sign of lock down working and not the reason that they should go party.

    Sometime they need to hear the harsh reality.

    "You may been worthless but the people you endanger are not" - mr-user
  • 2
    @mr-user I think people will always criticize since it's the default setting to criticize (rather appreciate) when humans are developed and merged into the main branch. That reminds me of this old story of a father, a son and their horse.
  • 3

    Oh tell us about that story. My hypothesis is that people criticize because they have low self confidence. Most of them are just criticizing for the "sake for criticism" and not constructive criticism.

    Great , now you make me remember how illogical human are.
  • 3
    @mr-user Here goes the Part 1/2:

    A man and his son were travelling on a journey, so he bought a horse. Horses and donkeys were a means of transport back then, today’s equivalent of a car.

    The man was old and frail, years of battling the sun strokes and dust devils had taken its toll.

    This journey was a vacation, a reward for his years of labour. The father and son were excited to spend some bonding time together.

    The old man got on the horse since he was older and weaker, and they began their journey, with the son walking alongside him. They were suddenly accosted by someone who said to the father, “Lazy old man! How dare you allow a little boy to walk under the blazing heat of the sun?”

    The old man got off and put his son on the horse. As they continued their journey, a passerby said loudly, “What a foolish old man! Do you want to die in the heat while your son who is youthful and stronger rides on the horse?” So the father got on the horse as well.
  • 3
    @mr-user Part 2/2:

    As they rode through a village, they saw a crowd of people who yelled at them saying “Those two heartless riders are trying to kill that poor horse.” So they both got off, and walked alongside the horse and continued their journey.

    As they approached another village, they overheard the loud whispers. “These two must either be retarded or slaves to hard life, walking alongside a perfectly strong animal, when they can ride on it!”

    The father looked at his son and said: “There’s no wisdom you can apply, there’s no moral conduct you can portray, there’s no path you can take, that will ever satisfy the people of the world.”

    The truth is that you cannot live your life to please people no matter how hard you try. There will always be differing opinions on how things should be done.
  • 0

    Is this a Chinese story? I read similar story.
  • 0
    mr-user: No matter what variation of this story one reads, the moral remains the same. We have to focus on it and learn.
  • 0
    The actual morale of the story:
    Don't criple your project by being cheap.

    It must have been a no-brainer to the commons back then, that you slow your journey needlessly down when you have less horses than participants.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo It's not about how many horses you have, but how different people have different views of your actions and why you can never please everyone.

    Moreover, I think one horse is enough for two people to ride on. There was no need for an extra horse. Just like it two people can play a game together on the same console, there's no need to buy a separate one. It's just waste of resources.
  • 0
    Of course you need to pause more often and longer with one horse for two people.

    Of course, opinions differ a lot between people outside the Borg collective. That is actually a good thing (even though it also means that real flat earth societies and corona parties exist).

    Shared seat and split screen modes suck hard. One set of input and output devices per player is the optimum configuration. Maybe consoles can now support multiple screens and headphones - did not peek into console territory for a long time and am using PCs for gaming.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo But more horses would mean more spending on their food. Even if we overlook this because food is the basic need for any organism, still there could be times when one horse is full of energy but the other horse isn't. This would result in the travellers taking a break which would be equivalent to the longer breaks you mentioned in the comment (in our language, horses are working asynchronously but the travellers want to travel synchronously ;))

    And about the gaming consoles.. I am not much of a gamer myself. Infact I never owned a console apart from one where you need to put a stick in it to play (I was maybe 4-5 years old). But I was referring to multiplayer games that are played locally. You can enter the multiplayer mode and 2 or more people can play as long as they have enough controllers. Buying a whole different console/PC for that is just absurd to me. In no way I am invalidating your comment, just letting you know what I think. Cheers!
  • 1
    @SortOfTested The lockdown was announced with just 4 hour notice and was told it will last just 21 days. However, it lasted more than 2 months!

    People were suddenly unemployed. I'm not talking about IT folks, I mean regular day wage labourers who are mostly migrants from other parts of the country.

    They had no other option than to go back to be with their family when they are jobless and struggling to get food when almost every street side shops are closed because of the lockdown.

    As a result of this, even under the lockdown thousands of such migrants were too desperate to go home. Many walked thousands of kms by foot to their home. Some died before they could reach.

    When govt finally allowed transport ( not free ) via rail for these people to go back to their place, the railway stations were filled with migrant labourers with no social distancing or whatever.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested The worst thing is that, after all the show off lockdown, the govt decided to end lockdown with no proper measures or infrastructure to handle it when the cases started rising and effectively putting the country in an even worst state also in terms of economy.

    I feel bad for those people who got beaten the shit out by police in the early days of lockdown.

    @mr-user @devAstated must be speaking from the high "WFH" privilege. They don't understand the plight of real common people. As it is evident from there comments, for these guys, going out means just partying or fun time. I hope they are not blind that they are not seeing majority of common people who live in day to day earnings with jobs that can't be WFH.
  • 0
    Yeah, I'd heard some shit, but really want to hear the first hand experience. Thanks for taking the time, glad you made it home.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested It's as if the govt was too dumbfuck and actually thought that a lockdown would magically prevent pandemic in the country which has high population density, poor infrastructure, poor cleanliness and has lots of poor people.

    The early unplanned lockdown has dissolved the concept lockdown itself. People and authorities are not gonna take it seriously again like they did first time because of the false hopes and promises.
  • 1
    I mean, everyone knows my opinion of modi, but I'm still sorry you guys are having to deal with that shit. That variety of authoritarianism is unreal.
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer I am aware that some people have to work every day to survive. They need to buy their daily meal with the money they got from that day.

    You are also right in that some of the job cannot and shouldn't have "WFH" privilege such as emergencies worker and medical professional.

    It is sad and I hope that government provided for them in these day (I am not having much hope about it)

    I am referring to those people who use "youth" as a reason to go out and party.
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