In my project to process CSV file it needs to be transformed into XML file. Basically 100 MB CSV is turned into 3GB XML. They can be deleted afterward but it is not implemented and no one cares. Our storage gains around 1-2 TB data each month. Right now we have ~200 TB of XML in our s3
I think I can add Big Data to my CV *sarcasm*

  • 3
    I always wonder why people pushing xml format as data storage format. At my work I need to deal with information that comes from banks, and all of them uses xml to give me info about payments, why not dbf, why not csv. How is it easier to check info in xml, when you need to check more than 50 lines
  • 1
    @nonsleep1 one payment processor for E-Bills needs you to write all the Infos down as an XML and insert a base64 encoded PDF, containing the invoice, as well. That's really fucking retarded. They don't use an api (technically they have a rest api but it's shit) they use file uploads to send and receive invoices. That's where we're at.
  • 0
    @nonsleep1 someone once made it when XML was cool then no one dared to change because it would cost everyone a ton of money to change their systems too so then no one changed
  • 0
    XML has some advantages over other firmats. for example its usability over all platforms, its more readable than json, inbuild comments and its flexible.
  • 0
    @ilikeglue before SEPA we have received dbf format of reports.
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