Seriously, Fuck JAVA.

  • 14
    I would if i could 💚
  • 1
    1st week of learning java:
    ''why are you like this? its a good multi platform language and the first language i learn.''
    3rd week of learning java:
    ''yeah, fuck java.''
  • 11
    @kimailis second year of java "wow, I'm glad I didn't give on java after 3 weeks, it's awesome for building complex applications!"
  • 0
    @ThomasRedstone things like that is why i keep learning it.
  • 0
    If your aim is to develop complex applications then its a fantastic language. In the same way that if you want to walk uncomfortably, shoes made out of cement are great.
  • 0
    @rantymcrantface Google and Oracle might disagree.
  • 0
    @rantymcrantface Which langage do you like then ?
  • 0
    @addvilz if c# is your thing, sure.
  • 1
    FuckNotFoundException: Shutting down VM
  • 3
    @bdhobare and? Write valid code, and the errors stop. Far better than languages that ignore errors and blindly continue, causing goodness knows what problems down the line...
  • 1
    Java - write once, debug everywhere.
  • 0
    Honestly guys, there is a built in feature for handling every possible error, what else could you ask for?
  • 0
    Java is cool, but it's really heavy lang with a lot of weird things.

    Javascript is better, but a shitload plugins from npm can give a fcking headache :P

    There is no ideał environment, except Delphi :D
  • 6
    typeof null === 'object'
    Sure, javascript is much better.
  • 2
    JS is a wildcard. Statically typed is much safer and better, hence Typescript.
  • 0
    Seriously guys? You are comparing two really different languages... Why?

    Also why the hate on java? Everyone seems to hate it on this site, even though no one seems to explain why...
  • 0
    @Redo is guessed it was non statically typed, non compiled languages that it was being judged 'rubbish' compared to, but javascript was the only other language anyone named.
  • 1
    Anyone looking into kotlin ?
  • 1
    This is me drowning in salty butthurt tears. Sorry guys, I just don't like Java, let a dev vent! I like C++ and Python, I'm self taught and never had to learn Java. Maybe one day I'll need to learn it, and I'll be converted, or just as likely it'll be dead and gone and I'll be mouthing off about Scala or Clojure.
  • 3
    I wish I could tag a comment with wk24.
    Because this language ranting / wars is in my opinion a sign that you're pretty far from being a true developer. A true developer doesn't just choose the language he likes, but the one best suited for the job ahead.
    So please, stop being so narrow-minded. It will eventually become an issue for the developers around you. *Sigh*
  • 3
    What can I say, a bad worker always blames his tools.
  • 4
    When you use java wrongly, yeah it sucks!
  • 1
    @addvilz people who love interpreted, loosely typed, usually stateless languages seem to have a problem with languages like java.
    I however love php, javascript and java, is love to learn more languages (c# sounds great), but there are only so many hours!
  • 0
    one eternity later...
  • 0
    after 5 years i can safely say, fuck java, for real, fuck it in the ass. god forsaken piece of garbage.
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