
What is your favorite Open Source project?
Excluding operating systems

  • 1
    I think for me that would be Grafana and QEMU. Icinga2 also really high on the list
  • 12
    Firefox. I use it constantly and have been using it since Mozilla milestone 18 through phoenix and up to today.

    No other project comes close to the same impact on my daily life ;)

    There might be libraries that are even more prevalent but those are not a s visible.
  • 3
    @Voxera ah, good one. Wouldn't have thought of a browser
  • 7
    Openssh :) network and access hacks are my daily driver
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    @molaram keep your so beef out of here
  • 2
    Notepad++ followed by GCC.
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    Most of the tools I use are open source, but the one I like the most is LLVM
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    mingw (gcc)

  • 1
    Rust, definitely Rust but LLVM is a close second as it provides a backend for så many other languages.
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    @lanfiro Newsflash: Linux is an OS.
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    @lanfiro So what do you think Linux is?
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    @lanfiro You're talking out of your ass.
  • 1
    @lanfiro It is *drumroll* an OS kernel. Means, part of an OS. If OS as a whole are ruled out, so are their components.

    On top of that, "Linux kernel" is the term when referring specifically to the kernel, not "Linux". That's because only douchebags say "GNU/Linux" for the aggregation.
  • 1
    Code of AGC (Apollo Guidance Computer)
    First use of a preemptive real time RTOS, thing that started term “Software Engineering”

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