Last week I got told by an incoming CTO, a week old to the organisation, that I'm good for nothing and unable to produce any work. He told me that he'll replace me and put me in a team where I'm more resourceful as I have been consistently underperforming. (He doesn't understand data science yet fyi) Then, he informed he's hiring 5 new teams members.

Me (junior data scientist) being really passionate about work was shook to hear this. So much so that it took me a week to even recover from it. I have considered counselling sessions too.

Week later, 5 new team members decide to flip his offer and not join. Another existing senior member decides to leave as well. Meanwhile, major issues in existing systems emerge and only I could solve the same. Still haven't heard back any from him though.

Is this the industry standard though ? Is this how CTOs normally function ? Throwing shit at people without knowing their value or valuing their efforts ? Especially with junior developers. It's only been 2 years in this profession and I've not met more than 3 genuine and helpful people. Maybe it's just my organization.

  • 7
    Sounds like a standard Indian boss, yeah.

    When they do shit like that, it's because they're building a trail of action to justify firing the existing crew and replacing them with people they control or have a direct relationship with. He's trying to get you to quit, and failing that, he will either put you in a banishment room or cook up a reason to eventually fire you.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Are you serious? I still don't understand the "why" though.
  • 4
    In two words: sycophancy and nepotism. He's a trashfire of a human being.

    The guy on top builds a team of people he "trusts." In these situations, it's usually because they're hangers-on and expect him to carry them upwards. He's usually strong one in the group. Once in management, he'll get another strong person under him to represent his interests and shore up technical feasibility.

    He will continue building this pyramid of bodies through his career until he reaches some sufficiently high level and bails out, leaving his former #2 in charge.

    This is the lateral version of that strategy, in which said person has started to see their star waning at whatever company they came from, so they take their show on the road, moving somewhere else, then scorching the earth beneath them to bring in their entourage.

    It's all about personal gain for them, they could care less about the success of the org, or you in particular.
  • 4
    @SortOfTested Wow. I'm blown away by that insight. I was left broken the last time it happened. But now, I know just what to expect going forward. This is insane and I can't believe people do this all the time.
  • 4
    Lived it numerous times, happy to share. It's called "cartel behavior," if you're interested in understanding what it is, and why it's illegal in most countries:

  • 2
    @SortOfTested Wow, that really opened up my naive vision of the corporates. So disappointed with the situation and reality in general.
  • 2
    Wish you the best, what a shitshow
  • 1
    My bro-in-law does specialized creative work for a huge consumer goods company. He does good work, everybody likes him, all is fine. This goes on for some time. Then the group gets a new boss, a transfer from an overseas office. One of the first things that happens is he feels shut out of discussions, and soon after that he gets a lukewarm performance review from her -- for the first time ever. New boss starts sprinkling in people she knows. Fortunately the new boss got moved on to something else before she could force him out.
  • 0
    @abhinavr888 @dotnope I can see similar things happening here.
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