

Just saw a colleague deleting company emails after he reads them. He has no fking idea 😂😂😂

  • 0
    Either you sent those emails, or this is a Hillary joke?
  • 1
    @jaberish neither, unfortunately. He just deletes correspondence as he gets them.
  • 0
    Ah, I see. Ya, that's bad lol
  • 2
    Shoot, I get told to clear out my email every few months because I refuse to delete anything. I gotta have that paper trail.

    "Why didn't you do this?" *Forwards email where I was told the project was scrapped*

    That seemed like a good reason to me.
  • 1
    @sylar182 that's my main reason for keeping emails and following up in-person conversations with emails too. I try to remain ahead of the "I never said that" scenario; memory in the workplace is so faulty these days.
  • 1
    Surely he should delete them before reading them?
  • 0
    @chrisrhymes he shouldn't delete them at all. And don't call me Surely :-P
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