I gotta say, I actually admire the work that content creators must go thru to make quality content.

So as I stated before I’m working on YouTube channel, under the name “TheSoftwareSage” ... to create tutorials and a way of me teaching software the way I believe it should be taught, not how the mainstream methods of today are.

Bottom up approach rather than top down

(Must start with a firm understanding of the foundation.. and build upon the knowledge as we go thru the layers of abstraction but the key concepts must be understood first)

Anyway, I’m working on this in my spare time and I was not aware of how much effort I would actually need todo this right haha. At first I figured I’d just screencast a monitor and have a ppt or text editor or terminal open and that stuff and just do it.

As In person with my interns I never have “planned” lessons or content is all impromptu based on the need at the time and I just go with it, with their computers and a whiteboard lol.

I was wrong for video recording lol... maybe it’s OCD... or perfectionism, I’ll make a video, review it like 5times and then be like shit I forgot to mention this or that or I didn’t like how I explained this or that
I keep worrying too much about colors, and sound levels and quality and transitions and video angles and all this other shit.
And then post editing fuck.... I’m about ready to say fuck it and “do it live .. one shot” and just upload the end result.

I guess this would be in the content world similar to our “paralysis analysis” notion.

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    My favourite intro would be this one. It's very bottom up indeed, you start from arithmetic and assembly programming.


    (After a first course in C programming that is)

    I sort of did this course on my own by following the book that comes with it. Even the labs are available for free on the book website. The labs are amazing, great pedagogy right there. This is how stuff should be taught.

    (The book)

    Would love to have actually taken it but they don't make stuff like this in India lol.
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    @RememberMe so the plan so far is to start the people out with the understanding of what a transistor is, and flip flops and logic gates, then move onto Boolean logic .. and arithmetic.. then move onto assembly and then C and then C++ and the up the pyramid from there it’s going to be a very long series soo much info many different parts. It’s going to take months to create it all I just need to get ahead and get some buffered to I can schedule the release of previous recorded ones while I work on newer content
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    @QuanticoCEO you mean like the From NAND to Tetris course on Coursera?
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    @RememberMe I have not seen that course never really done any course on coursera
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    @QuanticoCEO check it out, at least the topics they cover. You'll probably like it.
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    @RememberMe I just looked it up, seems like he’s got the same concept as me, I plan to go deep into theory and philosophy of design and architecture. Refactoring but for building a baseline I like what I am seeing on his site.

    I will be pulling things from my of my books I have collected over the years from SICP to TAOCP, Design Patterns, Refacting, clean code, clean architecture. The dragon book. Etc
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    @QuanticoCEO so...a CS degree curriculum, but taught by you in videos. Not bad, I'm interested. Post here when you have something up!
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    @RememberMe yes, CS curriculum of what it should be but with the addition of CE side of things, most of the CE stuff of the low level is important for a good foundation that CS is lacking.

    I went for CS and it isn’t taught the way it use to be any more. And I know that’s true based on the knowledge my interns and coops have I pull from CE and CS.. both are lacking in many areas, the CE guys should be masters of the low level, but understand CS concepts... CS students should understand low level, but take their higher level understandings and apply them to architecture and design the system with the CE students but nope that doesn’t happen.
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    I just filmed a video for my YouTube-channel so I recognize myself very much in your description. It's about food but the concept is the same. In other videos I see many mistakes but if any mistake come into my video I have to film that part again. It takes much energy, it cost and my girlfriend need to help me with filming. You really need to have a passion for what you are doing if you are not earning on it and if you don't have it as a job.
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    @RememberMe I second this.
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