Worst part of being a developer?

Everyone thinks you want to freelance a website for them...

Even when you're not a web developer

What do you do?

I write software.

Oh so you're good with computers and stuff?


That's p sweet, can you build me a site?

No. 😃

  • 1
    Upon hearing no.

    *Entitled insulted face* 😐
  • 2
    Give them an "estimate". Doesn't have to be legit, but most people will be put off by the idea of any cost and will leave it alone. "I can make my own site on Wix for free, why won't you make me one for free?" BECAUSE WIX IS TERRIBLE AND SO ARE YOU
  • 1
    You can refer them to me :) I'll give you 10% (you'd have to act as the irl contact that they will undoubtably nag to
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