You have a revolver that when you shoot somebody on your tv/pc they die in real life, but since its a revolver you only have 6 shots, who do you shoot.

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    Wait for the news, take out Trump, the Chinese guy, Kim Kong un, might as well grab Putin.
    I'll save 2 bullets.
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    Aww, it would be useless for me. I don't have a working TV.
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    @Ranchu nah, what you do is, wait for when they have a meeting or whatever they call it, get them lined up when they shake hands or pause for the camera, depending who's there could be a 2 for 1 bullet special lol
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    Hmm. Why am I suddenly reminded of the movie "Butterfly Effect"?
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    @ScribeOfGoD if we're talking .500 magnum yeah we can take em all out in one shot.
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    @ScribeOfGoD They rarely cover each other. That would be a horrible insult. Once Trump covered Orbán (our local clown) on TV, and the newspapers wrote about it for a week.
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