
So, I turned personalized ads off on YouTube and they've been fucking hilarious from being so bad.

Here's one I've just gotten. "Take care of the pregnant"

  • 6
    I have personalization off and I've been getting all kinds of "mature whores want to fuck in your area" ads on YOUTUBE. their explanation when I click "why this add"? General area and time of the day, for real. Ads like these used to belong in porn websites smh...
  • 4
    The bad grammar instantly makes me think of that "how is prangent formed" video: https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg
  • 3
    I get this one for a crowdfunded sex robot or something. Like, all the time. Shouldn't crowd funded shit be focusing their money on development and production, not advertisement?
  • 1
    @rutee07 oh the humanititties!! :O
  • 0
    So ads are still a thing?
  • 7
    So yt ads now have more freedom than the fucking content...
  • 1
    I'm waiting for the day when YouTube videos start with "Hey you! We have a gift for you"
  • 2
    *laughs in PiHole*
  • 0
    @kwilliams can piHole block YouTube ads too?
  • 0
    @devGaara I don't get many anyway so don't know if PiHole does that or not. 🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    @Jilano ah.. thank you
  • 1
    Or just pay for YT Premium? I'd much rather pay for a service that's of value to me and then also run blockers so that they don't track my data.

    By blocking YT trackers and stuff without paying you make them more desperate for money so they do even more bullshit. Pay and block.
  • 0
    @Jilano hence, block.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm marketing is more important than quality.

    you and your product or setvice can truly be the best in your market, but 1. if a lot of people dont know about you, good luck to you. and 2. if competitors with inferior services or products are *considered* better simply because their marketing is more effective/frequent, than you'll generally lose to them.

    people generally believe what they are told and rarely question. and the more they are told something, the stronger they will believe it.

    marketing work on mass delusion.

    everything is hype

    and in a competitive market, the hotter the competition the more advertising and third party fund sources become gatekeepers, because marketing is expensive
    (denying reality in general, is an expensive activity, reality being so darn persistent and all.)
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